[HP翻譯]The Road to Hell全文TXT下載_近代現代、HE、言情_精彩免費下載

時間:2023-05-03 19:59 /都市言情 / 編輯:李元昊
主角叫未知的書名叫《[HP翻譯]The Road to Hell》,是作者有湖寫的一本西方衍生、言情、衍生類小説,書中主要講述了:No one is born evil. That is not true, not for Tom Riddle. The road to hell is p...

[HP翻譯]The Road to Hell

小説朝代: 近代


《[HP翻譯]The Road to Hell》在線閲讀

《[HP翻譯]The Road to Hell》章節

No one is born evil. That is not true, not for Tom Riddle. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The question is: Is it worth it


【"None of them return."


"The children"


He shook his head, sinking into the nearby chair and shutting his eyes.


"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault."


"Do you know they celebrate after each raid They celebrate their victories as if they have rid the world of some hideous monsters."


"People in general fear something they couldn't understand."


"And so they need to crush down everything just so they can continue to live in their blissful ignorance"


Tom Riddle wakes up to the darkness of the Slytherin dormitory, slightly breathless from his dream. Grabbing his wand from under his pillow, he slips out of the room.


It is time.


Having memorized all the professors' patrol times and routes, Tom makes his way to the first floor without any trouble. With only the faint glow from his wand to light up the way, he cautiously walks down the corridor leading to the girl's toilet. It has taken him five years to locate the Chamber of Secrets, but in the end it is worth it.


He stops in front of the entrance of the Chamber and stares at the symbol of the serpent in silence. Taking a deep breath, he hisses softly in parseltougue and waits for the entrance to open up.


The implication of what he is about to do is clear on him. This will start everything in motion. Once it is done, there will be no turning back.


He can almost hear the voice of his old mentor, warning him about the danger of messing with time and telling him to turn back before ruining his life.


Tom pushes the image of his mentor away from his mind forcefully. The man that has taught him how to love and how to live his life is dead, or rather, simply does not exist anymore. Pain threatens to emerge at that thought, but at the same time, it reminds him of why he has brought this upon himself.


Steeling himself, Tom stares down at the bottomless hole before him and jumps into the darkness of his ancestor's chamber.


A man who has nothing to lose makes the most dangerous enemy and he is exactly that. He doesn't mind ruining his life; he has nothing left to lose.


【He buried his head in his hands. He was aware of the concerned stares directed at him from the other members of the Order of the Phoenix. They were reluctant to come near him, as if they were scared of him, which was probably true. He was scared of himself.


He closed his eyes. All he could see was fire. The fire had consumed the life of two of his own students, who had looked upon him for protection. He could hear the screams of the two girls and their mother. He could hear the applause and cheering of those who had killed them; who had burned them alive.


The door of the Headquarters opened. The cold wind coming in made him shiver and, either from the cold or from the turmoil inside him, he felt himself starting to tremble. The newcomer crossed the gathering hall towards him in hasty steps.


"Tom Are you all right" the concern was clear in his mentor's voice.




"I was so angry. I wanted them to pay. Then I feel that… power. I've never felt it this way before. I felt as if-"




"I know. I shouldn't have lost control like that."


His anger had caused the death of over twenty muggles, but he simply couldn't bring himself to care.


He still remembers that day clearly; the day when his whole life was altered.


He had known since he was a child that he was different. He knew he was special, though he didn't realize how special he was until he started Hogwarts.


No, it's not the magic in him that makes him special. He is more powerful than most wizards, that is true, but that alone would not induce the deep resentment he had of being left in a muggle orphanage; it would not make him hang Billy's rabbit and it would not make him feel such satisfaction at the fear in the other orphans' eyes when they look at him.


That hatred has come naturally; it has been there for as long as Tom remembers. He didn't understand why he was feeling that way then, nor did he find the need to understand it. It was all changed the day when he first entered Hogwarts, when he learned of the magic that can unlock one's mind.


The ability to read a person's thoughts and memories fascinated Tom, and Hogwarts' library has enough information on the art of Legilimency for him to teach himself during his spare time. He never expected that by learning how to manipulate one's mind, he would also regain the memories that had been locked inside his mind since the day he was born.


Soon after he started to learn Legilimency, Tom started to have dreams. They were vague at first, leaving only the foreign yet somehow familiar feeling of pain in Tom's chest. But as he began to grasp the skills of Legilimency, the dreams also started to become clearer and more detailed. He dreamt of a war-torn world and he dreamt of people dying by millions. Even though he didn't show it outwardly, those dreams disturbed him greatly; he knew for a fact that those were not normal dreams.


And he was correct. It was the night before the end of his first year that it happened. The barrier between his mind and the suppressed memories finally crumbled. One moment he was sleeping, the next moment he felt as though his head was about to burst open. A lifetime of memories flooded into his mind and he woke up screaming, his eyes widened in shock and horror. Even now, he still finds it unbelievable that he is still somewhat sane after that.


His whole life had changed then. Everything had suddenly become both clearer and more complicated at the same time. He finally understood where his hatred had come from, having finally regained the memories that accompanied those feelings.


Time travel. He had violated every law of magic and sent his soul back in time. He merged with his younger-self and successfully retained his memories, just as he had hoped. The idea of changing history had been purely theoretical. No one had been magically strong enough to endure the process, or no one had been desperate enough to try it. But Tom had, and he had succeeded in his near suicidal attempt. With the knowledge of the future restored to him, he is now free to change the future.


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[HP翻譯]The Road to Hell

[HP翻譯]The Road to Hell

作者:有湖 類型:都市言情 完結: 是
